Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Have Your Hands on the Wheel at 10 and 2

Over the years, many people have been taught to hold their hands at the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock positions while driving a car. However, this suggestion is now outdated and there are new recommendations in its place for even safer driving.

The reason why 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock are no longer recommended is that it can be an unsafe technique when used in vehicles with smaller steering wheels and are airbag-equipped. Read on to learn more.

Three Steering Methods

In general, there are three steering methods for drivers to use, including:

  • Hand-to-hand steering
  • Hand-over-hand steering
  • One-hand steering

Hand-to-Hand Steering

This is the main method of steering you should use while driving as it is the safest and provides you with the most control over your vehicle.

Using this method requires that you hold the steering wheel between the 7 and 8 o’clock positions with your left hand, and with your right hand, hold the wheel between 4 and 5 o’clock.

Hand-Over-Hand Steering

This method is best utilized when:

  • Making a turn at a slow speed with limited visibility at an intersection,
  • Parking your car, or
  • Regaining control after a skid.

When using this method, you’ll need to hold the wheel with your left hand between 8 and 9 o’clock and your right hand should be between the 3 and 4 o’clock position.

One-Hand Steering

When you must use one hand to drive while operating your vehicle’s functions or backing up, it is best to hold your hand at 8-9 o’clock or 3-4 o’clock, depending on your specific steering wheel’s design.

It is best not to hold the steering wheel at the 12 o’clock position unless you’re reversing to the left or right and you have to turn in your seat to see where you’re going.

We Can Help Injured Victims

If you’ve been the injured victim of a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to recover compensation for the harm you’ve endured. Don’t delay—reach out right away for more information about how we can help.

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident, our lawyers at Whiting Hagg & Dorsey, LLP may be able to help you receive the settlement you deserve. Give us a call at (605) 600-2984 or fill out the online contact form.

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